Metabolic surgery refers to the surgical treatment of Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus, representing a new treatment option for this disease, which was previously considered only for medical management.
Metabolic surgery derives from bariatric surgery or surgery for Morbid Obesity. Two types of interventions are performed: Gastric Bypass (with one or two anastomoses) and Gastric Sleeve, which involves excluding the duodenum and the proximal segment of the jejunum (the first portions of the small intestine) from the food transit, leading to changes in hormones (incretins) and receptors located in this area, which are related to blood glucose control.
Studies show that Gastric Sleeve can remit Type 2 Diabetes in 56% of cases, and Gastric Bypass in approximately 80% of cases. Unlike conventional bariatric surgery, metabolic surgery can be performed on patients with a BMI between 30 and 35 kg/m², as the primary goal is the treatment of diabetes rather than obesity.
It is ideal for patients who, for some reason, cannot manage their treatment effectively or those with difficult-to-control diabetes.
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In accordance with the provisions of the “Federal Law on the Protection of Personal Data,” specifically in articles 1, 2, 3 sections II, VIII, IX, X, XI, and XIV, 4, 5 section I, article 17, and article 22 section II, NEWBODY BARIATRIC SURGERY CENTER declares that it is a company legally constituted under Mexican law, with its address at Centro Médico Christus Muguerza, Plaza Paseo Villalta, Blvd. Colosio #6075. As the entity responsible for the processing of your personal data, we inform you that the information of our clients is handled in a strictly confidential manner. Therefore, by providing your personal data, such as:
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Additionally, we inform you that your personal data will not be transferred to be processed by individuals other than this company. All your personal data is processed in accordance with the applicable and current legislation in the country. Therefore, we inform you that you have the rights (ARCO) to access, rectify, cancel, or oppose the processing we give to your personal data at any time. You can exercise this right through the Privacy Area responsible for the security of personal data processing via the following contact methods:
Phone: +52 81 2355 5863, or via email:
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This privacy notice may be modified by NEWBODY BARIATRIC SURGERY CENTER. Such modifications will be promptly communicated through email, phone, or any other communication medium that NEWBODY BARIATRIC SURGERY CENTER determines for this purpose.